Christine's Rantings

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

English - It Really Is More Than One Language

I am sure that everyone in the world would agree that a Swede is someone who comes from Sweden. In the UK (and many other parts of Europe and former British colonies), they would agree but also tell you that a Swede is a purple and yellow root vegetable (known as a turnip in Canada). However, in some parts of London, Swede is also a term for your head.

So, if someone says they have bashed their Swede, how am I supposed to know if they have hit a Swedish person, mashed some turnip or bumped their head?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Rant 20 - Oscar Knows Best?

Query - if you play the title character in a movie how is is possible for you to be nominated for a 'Best Supporting Actress' Academy Award?

10 year old Abigail Breslin is nominated for her role in Little Miss Sunshine. In my mind she was the main character and star of the film (especially at the end where I got a headache she made me laugh so hard). I realise it was an ensemble cast so the logic may follow that everyone was a supporting actor but I think that is crap. Oh well, just my opinion.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I know that, unless you are a weather channel addict like Angela, rants on the weather are boring and really pretty pointless because it is not like we can change it. Anyway, I think I might have a little problem - I can now officially be considered an embarrassment to Canada. This morning it was -2C, -4C to -6C with the wind chill. While most Canadians would put on shorts and spend the day sunning themselves in these temperatures, I bundled myself up in a hat, scarf, gloves and Far West jacket before braving the elements. I have been in the office for 3 hours now and am still cold. I am worried I will be asked to give back my passport.

I am trying to think of ways that I can build up my tolerance to a decent Canadian level. I know I can do it. I was younger and stronger but I did manage to survive that December night in Halifax where I didn't close the door and woke up with a couple of inches of snow in the apartment (OK so the alcohol probably helped some but it was mostly me). I am going to go to the store to buy some ice packs at lunch and I will start with the cold baths tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Monday, January 22, 2007



Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ahhhhhhhh, The '80's, Ummmm No I Think It Was The '90's Actually.

So, the other day, I was reading a recap of Studio 60 on Television Without Pity and came across the following reference;

"Matt can't respond, because Ronnie, Bobby, Ricky, and Mike -- wait, sorry, wrong decade. Cool it, now. Ricky and Ron....."

My question is, who is sadder? Me for understanding the reference or her for making it. I want to know how many of you get it. I think only 2 of you will.

Monday, January 08, 2007

How About Those Eyes.

No attitude here huh?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Rant 19 – Have A Hippity Hoppity New Year

Have you missed me? I hope you have. I had a great Christmas. Of course I did way too much shopping and eating and drinking and bitching and moaning and coveting and sleeping. There are no New Year’s resolutions as I never keep them. But I am now back in the swing of things mainly due to the fact that Madde is visiting at the moment so I have been unable to sleep every minute that I am not at work like I usually do when I come back. It always leaves me with a body clock adjusted to somewhere in the Far East.

Anyway, a few of us met up for some drinks last night. On the way home, Madde and I popped into Tesco to pick up some lunch stuff for today and I just happened to come across the rack of Easter eggs. Easter Sunday is 8 April 2007 this year. That is 94 days away. I counted. 3 months. Actually over 3 months as February is so short. They don’t even put the Christmas decorations out that early. Well maybe they do but anyway - Easter eggs in January. Seriously this is wrong. DAMN YOU CADBURY’S.