Christine's Rantings

Monday, January 31, 2005

Beepity Beep Beep Beep

I am sitting at one of the computers in the warm Second Cup in very cold Halifax. I made it here without incident and am glad to say there has been blue skies and sunshine even if it is colder than the coldest thing you can think of.

As I was going through security to get on the flight in Vancouver, I beeped. Sometimes I beep, sometimes I don't. I can't really use the metal plate in my head excuse as I don't beep all the time. Just for my piece of mind though, the nice man with the beepy-wand double checked and assured me that there is no metal plate in my head. He thinks it may just be my glasses. Duh, why didn't I think of that? Maybe I have a wooden plate!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Walk Defensively

Walking in Vancouver is very scary. I thought it was dangerous to cross the road in London and even worse in Edinburgh and Glasgow. They are a picnic compared to here. Would you not think that if you are inside the lines of the crosswalk and have the Walk sign, you would be fairly safe? No way. There are people turning behind you, in front of you and ignoring you and sailing right through the intersection at 432 kph. It seems that the rule over here is pedestrians beware - you have to be able to anticipate the thoughts of the drivers or you get run over. I will take my chances with the nasty bike people in Copenhagen over this anyday.

Ben Free (Sort Of)

Bought a few DVD's here. Ben Affleck isn't in any of them. Have seen a Ben Affleck movie though.

Monday, January 24, 2005


I think when I get to Halifax I will have to take back all the clothes I bought and get them one size bigger! I have been eating non-stop since I arrived in Canada. For Steve's birthday on Friday we went to a fantastic Carribean restaurant, the night before I went to a great Organic one (Tomato) with Jane and two night before that (the night Sharon and Trevor got engaged), Steve and I went to Monsoon (Asian Fusion?) and had one of the best meals ever. Plus I am now OFFICIALLY addicted to Starbucks Caramel Frappucinos.

The weather has been crap, it has poured with rain everyday. The combination of UK gray winter skies and bucketing down rain. I don't have dry skin but I don't think the puckered look is attractive.

I have just over a week before I have to return to reality. Any suggestions on how I can stay in this ostrich-like vacation fantasy for ever?

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Sharon (Steve’s sister) and Trevor got engaged yesterday! Needless to say there was a bit of bubbly last night to celebrate. Sharon’s ring is the most personal, unique and prettiest I have ever seen. Well done Trevor!

Hope everyone is feeling ok. Steve thinks there may be barf!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Raisin Toes

Been so busy trying to unshrivel myself that I forgot to write. It has gone from crazy snow covered cold to I can hear the hammering of the ark makers wet. I am a Maritimer - give me crazy cold over my underwear is sticking to me wet anyday.

Visited with Jane and Eliot on Thursday. That was lots of fun. As a true carnivore I was very pleased to see her eat beef. Don't ya just love it when veggies fall off the wagon? It must be the sadistic streak in me!

Went to see Penny's office on Friday - she has the most fantastic view. It just topped Ed's view of London from the 26th Floor of the Canary Wharf tower. Penny is on the 36th Floor of the RBC Building, from her window you can see North and West Vancouver - including all of Stanley Park and the harbour. It is fantastic. Her co-worker, Janet, let me peek out her window as well and that covers the whole South view to the airport and Richmond etc. We also went over to the other side of the building to look over the East side, Burnaby and even Mount Baker. Very cool.

Did some shopping on Saturday. Why does handing my money over to random, sometimes s rude people in exchange for stuff make me feel so happy? Shouldn't I instead feel a great satisfaction that my money is 'working for me' earning .0000004% per month while contributing to the $6B dollars that Barclay's made last year?

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Running Total

of things I have broken in Vancouver;
1. Steve's candlestick
2. Inner door frame of Japanese restaurant
3. Steve's gut from laughing at breaking of said door frame
4. New Year's resolution not to break things

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Some Things Never Change

Things have been pretty quiet on the Blog front for the last few weeks. That is because I have been having a fantastic time chilling out and doing nothing but reading and going to movies. I have seen 5 movies at the theatre and am currently working through my 11th book. I just figured you could all check out other people's review or go seethe movie or read the book yourself so I have neglected updating the Blog.

My question today is how could I survive 3 weeks on PEI without doing anything too Christine-like and then before I even leave the airport in Vancouver start my trip off with the biggest Christine thing ever? I will begin at the beginning. I had an OK flight to Toronto - the large man next to me took up a good portion of the space allocated to me by Air Canada but I went with it. I spennt the whole two and a half hours leaning into the aisle and reading my book - even managed not to get hit with the trolley. On the flight from Toronto to Vancouver, I was totally impressed. I had two seats to myself, no kids kicking my seat, the meal was ok, the movie was crap but I had a good book so I was happy. The plane was not too full so we got off pretty quickly, I walked to the luggage bit and was happy to see that the luggage was already there. Woooo-hoooo a smooth easy uneventful trip for once. No such luck. I suddenly realised that I did not have my purse. I raced (well as much as I can race) back up the escalator and got to the security guys who told me I was not allowed to go back to the gate as I was already past the magic no going back point. I then spent a frantic hour talking to the security guys and 2 different Air Canada desks to figure out where the bag was and wait for them to bring it to me. Poor Steve was circling the airport waiting for me but I had no money to call him and tell him what was happening. He was not too surprised when he came inside and found out what was happening. I am sure that Madde is now laughing her ass off and remembering me racing back to the Eurostar in Paris after discovering that I left my wallet on the train.

This morning I only broke one of the really nice candlesticks I bought Steve for a present ages ago. Is anyone going to Dublin soon? Think you could pick one up for me? I will pay for it.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

No News

is no news. Nothing to report. Still alive. Just chillin'.