Christine's Rantings

Friday, March 24, 2006

My Bump

In case you are worried. I still have a lump. It only hurts when I touch it. I still haven't cried.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Egghead Update

I still have a bump. It still hurts. I still haven't cried but I thought about it when I told Sal and Laura last night and they laughed at me. They weren't the slightest bit concerned about me - they didn't care that I might be deformed.

Monday, March 20, 2006


I bumped my head on the corner of the shelf above the freezer this morning. I have a bump and it hurts. I didn't cry though.

The Things Ex-Pats Do

I went to the Canada Shop yesterday and paid £7.95 for a tub of Crisco Shortening. So that is just over $16.00 for something that would cost about $6.00 at home! Also, as a treat I picked up some Kraft Dinner for Laura - $4.00 for $.33 worth of pasta and powder. The Kraft peanut butter was £3.95 for a small jar, Chippits were £3.10 a bag! I couldn't bring myself to check how much they wanted for a pack of Mr. Noodles.

Ahhhhhhhhh, the tastes of home.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I Actually Have Something To Write About

It is amazing what a small change like actually leaving the houe can do to one's life! I really truly honest to God did something besides sit in front of the television last night. All right, it almost killed me (well not really) but I did it. Laura and I met her friends Amber and Octavia and we went to Sadlers Wells to see the Scottish Ballet dance Cinderella. It was excellent.

Here is a cast list - the Godmother was especially good.

I had better be careful or this may lead to other 'doing stuff!'

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mind Freak

I realise my brain works differently from other peoples so this is probably only a me thing but I will share anyway. Last night, Laura and I watched a really bad movie called White Noise. I didn't expect it to be good but thought I should watch it as part of it was filmed in the building Steve used to work in and he was on the set while it was being filmed. I found it really strange to be watching this movie and know that even though I couldn't see him, Steve was there. He was inside the building while they filmed the scene outside or he was on the first floor while they filmed on the second. I just thought it was weird.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pancake Day - Shrove Tuesday - Mardi Gras - Fat Tuesday

Whatever you want to call it, it means Pancakes for supper. Or more specifically, Laura's pancakes for supper. Mmmmmmmm - pancakes, scrambled eggs, Oscar Mayer bacon, maple syrup and Aunt Jemima syrup. It was fab - I want pancakes for supper every day.