Rant 20 - Oscar Knows Best?
Query - if you play the title character in a movie how is is possible for you to be nominated for a 'Best Supporting Actress' Academy Award?
10 year old Abigail Breslin is nominated for her role in Little Miss Sunshine. In my mind she was the main character and star of the film (especially at the end where I got a headache she made me laugh so hard). I realise it was an ensemble cast so the logic may follow that everyone was a supporting actor but I think that is crap. Oh well, just my opinion.
10 year old Abigail Breslin is nominated for her role in Little Miss Sunshine. In my mind she was the main character and star of the film (especially at the end where I got a headache she made me laugh so hard). I realise it was an ensemble cast so the logic may follow that everyone was a supporting actor but I think that is crap. Oh well, just my opinion.
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