Christine's Rantings

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Don't Fret

In case you were worried about total fast food representation in the Middle East, I can confirm that there is an A&W in Qatar. I also saw a sign for Hardee's. That doesn't leave too many unaccounted for does it?

I also must apologise for forgetting John Deere day. I hope you all put on your green and yellow and celebrated to the full extent.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Been There, Sort Of

As we flew Qatar Airways, I can now add Qatar to the list of places I have been without actually being there. We had to change planes in Doha, Qatar. We didn't actually leave the airport so it now ranks with Iceland, New Jersey, Newfoundland and Alberta as airports or runaways I have seen.

Where Am I?

I swear my ticket says Dubai. Yep, I just checked it and it does. It looks like Dubai, sounds like Dubai but I am just not sure.

I went 4 wheeling in the sand dunes, rode a camel, saw a belly dancer, got a henna tattoo and spent the day at the beach. I have walked through Souks, seen Mosques and Palaces and read the signs. This makes me think it is Dubai.

But then I have seen 4 Second Cup coffee shops (the staff were even wearing Roots caps), a CinnZeo (I resisted the tempation Steve, hope you are proud), Aldo, Sweet Factory, Radio Shack and a Fairmont Hotel - is it Canada?

2 huge Carrefour supermarkets - is it France?

I saw a Kenny Rogers Roasters, tons of Starbucks (I realise this doesn't really help narrow down a country location), Subway, TGI Friday's, Burger King, McDonalds, Famous Amos, Baskin Robbins, Nine West, Dunkin Donuts, KFC, Villeroy & Boch. I drank Mountain Dew and ate Lays potato chips - is it the USA?

But then there is also every British store you can think of - Next, Top Shop, Mango, Zara, BHS, Debenhams, Kookai, French Connection, The Body Shop, Early Learning Centre, Mothercare, Adams, Brantano and tons more - is it the UK?

There is even a huge South African Woolworths (very different from the UK and Canadian one).

As you may have guessed, Dubai is a very international place.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Greetings From Dubai

Made it in one piece. Weather is not as hot as we thought it was going to be but it is still lovely. Friday we walked around town and tok a boat trip down the "Creek" to get a view of the city from the river. There are some fantastic modern buildings here.

Saturday we went to the beach but it was too windy to swim so we just dipped our toes in the Persian Gulf and went to the Wild Wadi waterpark and swam. I had a bit of an incident on one of the slides. The person ahead of me tipped over and they turned the water off leaving me stranded! I didn't know this though and thought I broke it until a little man came to get me. I had to walk the rest of the way through. We took lots of pictures of the Burj Al Arab hotel - that is the one where Agassi and Federer played tennis on the helipad. The we went to the Jumeirah Beach Hotel next door and saw the hotel from a different angle and had a fantastic meal complete with a free bottle of wine.

Today it was a bit overcast so we went to the Gold Souk. Angela would have been in her glories. I have never seen so much jewelry in one place. I gave in and bought yet another necklace! It is not gold but black pearls. It is beautiful.

Tomorrow we are going on a day exursion into the desert.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

I Am Off and Steve Is In

I am leaving today. No more sleeps to Dubai. Can't wait. Will try to keep you updated while I am there.

Steve has decided to become one of us and has created his own Blog. Check it out at;

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Google Me

I can now Google myself and get a relevant hit - my Blog comes up. How cool is that? I found out by accident. As a joke, I Googled Derryth and my Blog came up as the fourth or fifth result. So, I then Googled myself and my Blog came up first. Well, I think it is neat.

Then I Yahooed me and found out that while living in Manchester I was the subject of a racially motivated crime - a haggis was thrown through my front window. I kid you not.

Monday, March 21, 2005

It's Probably Just Me...

but I had one of those surreal moments this afternoon. I was sitting in a sandwich shop in the City with Derryth when a James Taylor song came on. I think it was 'Gone To Caroline'. Suddenly, everything seemed completely out of context. I thought - I am sitting here in London with my South African friend listening to James Taylor. I am sure it was the song that caused it but it was really strange. It just seemed weird. Has this ever happened to you?

Then I went and bought a bathing suit and reality came back with a huge whale like crash.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Luck of the Irish

Apparently Derryth has it as she got offered a job today. Grant and I plan to spend our days in front of the television and hope that she can support us both!

The Wearing of the Green

As everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day, so I am wearing my green shirt, green necklace and using my new green handbag (I knew I needed it). Happy St. Patrick's Day to all and here is an Irish joke courtesy of Sharon and Trevor;

An Irish Confession

"Bless me Father, for I have sinned, I have been with a loose woman."

The priest asks, "Is that you, little Tommy Shaughnessy?"

"Yes, Father, it is."

"And, who was the woman you were with?"

"I can't be tellin' you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation."

"Well, Tommy, I'm sure to find out sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now. Was it Brenda O'Malley?"

"I cannot say."

"Was it Patricia Kelly?"

"I'll never tell."

"Was it Liz Shannon?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't name her."

"Was it Kathy Morgan?"

"My lips are sealed."

"Was it Fiona Conner, then?"

"Please, Father, I cannot tell you."

The priest sighs in frustration. "You're a steadfast lad, Tommy Shaughnessy, and I admire that. But you've sinned, and you must atone. You cannot attend church mass for three months. Be off with you now.

Tommy walks back to his pew. His friend Sean slides over and whispers,

"What'd you get?"

"Three month's vacation and five good leads."

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Survivors UK

Am really getting into this picture thing. Here are poor Sal's tankmates. We have no idea what that bump on Laurel or Hardy's head is. I would not be surprised to come home one day and find it has turned into another fish - will keep you posted!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Home Sweet Home

Today, I took Derryth and Grant to Stourbridge for an appointment. On the way back we drove through the Cotswolds and I took them to see my house. I take everyone to see my house. For those of you I have not taken, this is a picture of my house.

I realise that I do not actually own this house but someday I will, well I might, well ok I can dream can't I?

P.S. This is the first time I have put up a picture. Very cool. I may have to do it more often.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Need, Want - Aren't They The Same Thing?

Sally yelled at me today because I bought 2 new handbags - she said I don't need any more. One only cost £4 so I there was no way I could not buy it and the other one is totally cute. Two handbags for £19 - I definitely need them.

Friday, March 11, 2005


After receiving the following e-mail from a Blog reader;

'Hey, read the same blog over again because you haven't updated it yet. Sal died a year ago, eh? Must not have been much left of her to flush...'

the author confirms that Sal passed away on 8 March 2005.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

RIP Sal (The Fish Not The Flatmate)

The death occurred sometime before 9:43pm on Tuesday 8 March 2004 of beloved Sal the goldfish at her home on Sidney Road, St. Margarets. Funeral services were held in the bathroom of said residence. Interment followed immediately (after two flushes just in case)in the Mogden Sewage Works, Isleworth. Sal is survived by tankmates Finger and Laurel or Hardy (we can't remember which one it is).

The funeral was attended by Sally, Christine and Derryth. Words were said by Christine with the flushing performed by Sally.

The author really hopes that the fact that we ate fish pie (man it was yummy) for dinner before discovering the unfortunate occurrence was not a contributory factor or in poor taste.

Monday, March 07, 2005

I Rule (Just Don’t Tell Sally I Said That)

Derryth and Grant arrived on Saturday, all in one piece and with no hassles. Curtis (Derryth’s brother) is not very impressed with my inability to distinguish left from right buy after a few calls they made it here. And as an aside I learned that our cordless phone has fantastic range. It works really well from the middle of the street 2 houses down – one day I will learn the difference between a cordless and a mobile. We spent Saturday hanging out with Curtis, Avril and their little girl, Kayla who just happens to be the cutest thing ever.

On Sunday, I took Derryth and Grant on my ‘Death by Monument’ Walking Tour. It was lots of fun but I may have overdone it a little as they are now both in bed with the flu. Oooops.

Josh left this morning for Gran Canaria. So until he gets back on Thursday, the hemispheres are at equal strength. Although, my cunning Death Walk plan (insert maniacal laughter here) has weakened the South. At present the North prevails – go me!

Thursday, March 03, 2005


In less than 2 days, my friend Derryth and her husband Grant are moving to the UK from South Africa. They are going to stay with me for the first couple of weeks and I can't wait. It will be great.

However, it will mean that the balance of power in the flat swings to the Southern Hemisphere. So far, Sally and I have enjoyed the majority as Northerners with only Josh to fight for the bottom half of the world. Now he will have allies. What are we to do?

I think I will just assume that Sal and I get top billing as our names are on the lease.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Is Mexican food not the best stuff ever?