Whatever I did, I am really sorry. I didn't mean it and will never do it again. I promise, I really really do. Now, can you please stop picking on me?
OK, so it is not really as bad as that but as I sit here with my stringy, greasy hair that has not been washed in over two days with my smelly body that has only been sponge bathed for the last two days wearing my glasses with the huge gob of superglue on the temple looking at my phone which took a ten foot swan dive yesterday, I am wondering just what I did and to whom I did it to get to this state.
Tuesday evening, I was sitting in the living room minding my own business when I heard a rather loud pop from the kitchen. I ran in to see what made the noise and found that the boiler had stopped working again. So the guy shows up today to fix it and figures out that a fuse blew. Of course, he doesn't have any so he goes to get some. He comes back 90 minutes later and puts it in. Waahheyy, the boiler is working again. I begin to dream of the world's longest hottest shower. That is until he puts the front back on and crosses some wires (or something like that) and blows the new fuse. Of course, he only bought one so off he goes again taking my shower dreams with him. Luckily he just arrived back so cross your fingers.
Yesterday morning, I was walking up the stairs at work carrying my computer with my phone balanced on it. I got to the top step, tilted my laptop and watched my phone slide off, fall ten or so feet to the tiled lobby below, bounce and break into 5 pieces. I put down my laptop, sighed loudly, walked back down the stairs, collected the pieces, snapped them back together and much like a Timex watch, my Nokia took its lickin' and kept on tickin'.
This morning, I woke up in my cold flat. Dragged my cold, dirty ass out of bed, picked up my glasses, put them on my face only to find one piece on my face and the other in my hand. Thus explaining the aforementioned superglue.
Dear Karma, please go away.