Some Things Never Change
Things have been pretty quiet on the Blog front for the last few weeks. That is because I have been having a fantastic time chilling out and doing nothing but reading and going to movies. I have seen 5 movies at the theatre and am currently working through my 11th book. I just figured you could all check out other people's review or go seethe movie or read the book yourself so I have neglected updating the Blog.
My question today is how could I survive 3 weeks on PEI without doing anything too Christine-like and then before I even leave the airport in Vancouver start my trip off with the biggest Christine thing ever? I will begin at the beginning. I had an OK flight to Toronto - the large man next to me took up a good portion of the space allocated to me by Air Canada but I went with it. I spennt the whole two and a half hours leaning into the aisle and reading my book - even managed not to get hit with the trolley. On the flight from Toronto to Vancouver, I was totally impressed. I had two seats to myself, no kids kicking my seat, the meal was ok, the movie was crap but I had a good book so I was happy. The plane was not too full so we got off pretty quickly, I walked to the luggage bit and was happy to see that the luggage was already there. Woooo-hoooo a smooth easy uneventful trip for once. No such luck. I suddenly realised that I did not have my purse. I raced (well as much as I can race) back up the escalator and got to the security guys who told me I was not allowed to go back to the gate as I was already past the magic no going back point. I then spent a frantic hour talking to the security guys and 2 different Air Canada desks to figure out where the bag was and wait for them to bring it to me. Poor Steve was circling the airport waiting for me but I had no money to call him and tell him what was happening. He was not too surprised when he came inside and found out what was happening. I am sure that Madde is now laughing her ass off and remembering me racing back to the Eurostar in Paris after discovering that I left my wallet on the train.
This morning I only broke one of the really nice candlesticks I bought Steve for a present ages ago. Is anyone going to Dublin soon? Think you could pick one up for me? I will pay for it.
My question today is how could I survive 3 weeks on PEI without doing anything too Christine-like and then before I even leave the airport in Vancouver start my trip off with the biggest Christine thing ever? I will begin at the beginning. I had an OK flight to Toronto - the large man next to me took up a good portion of the space allocated to me by Air Canada but I went with it. I spennt the whole two and a half hours leaning into the aisle and reading my book - even managed not to get hit with the trolley. On the flight from Toronto to Vancouver, I was totally impressed. I had two seats to myself, no kids kicking my seat, the meal was ok, the movie was crap but I had a good book so I was happy. The plane was not too full so we got off pretty quickly, I walked to the luggage bit and was happy to see that the luggage was already there. Woooo-hoooo a smooth easy uneventful trip for once. No such luck. I suddenly realised that I did not have my purse. I raced (well as much as I can race) back up the escalator and got to the security guys who told me I was not allowed to go back to the gate as I was already past the magic no going back point. I then spent a frantic hour talking to the security guys and 2 different Air Canada desks to figure out where the bag was and wait for them to bring it to me. Poor Steve was circling the airport waiting for me but I had no money to call him and tell him what was happening. He was not too surprised when he came inside and found out what was happening. I am sure that Madde is now laughing her ass off and remembering me racing back to the Eurostar in Paris after discovering that I left my wallet on the train.
This morning I only broke one of the really nice candlesticks I bought Steve for a present ages ago. Is anyone going to Dublin soon? Think you could pick one up for me? I will pay for it.
If you can get me to Dublin I will buy all the candlesticks you want... on me of course ;-)
Pete, at 7:58 p.m.
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