Christine's Rantings

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Je Suis Back From Montreal

I even survived and was only totally embarrassed by my 'French' once. We shopped like we could afford it, walked until I wanted my feet amputated, ate great food and saw penguins. What more could one ask for?

Angela saw a couple of people from the cast of Everwood and Liane and I totally missed Justin Trudeau even though we ate dinner near the hotel where his wedding reception was held.

Now I Am Happy

Catrin made my day by sending this. In case you are not sure - this is the damn frog that is driving me insane.

Friday, May 20, 2005


Je vais aller a Montreal cet dimanche. Je vais acheter beaucoup, manger beaucoup et drink beaucoup. Je suis tres excited.

I could be in trouble couldn't I?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Insane In The Membrane

Either the Crazy Frog has won, TV has rotted my brain or the lack of interaction with the outside world has finally driven me over the edge. I just watched Las Vegas and thought that Sylvester Stallone was funny.

Can anyone help me???????

Ribbit Ribbit Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh

Of late, my life seems to consist of television, reading and Starbucks. So there is not much to report. I can recommend a good book though - The Kite Runner. It is well worth reading. Steve told me Sharon was enjoying it so I picked it up and thought it was fantastic.

Today I spent a couple of hours waiting for deliveries for Derryth and Grant at their new place. Argos deliveries is now convinced that Derryth and I are a lesbian couple as I am always there to sign for stuff but they call her when they are coming and when they get lost. We were even there together for one delivery! Today the delivery guy asked me where I was from and I said "Canada". He turned to his partner and said "See". I then said "Oh but the girl you spoke to is South African" and he said "Ooooooh."

I am being driven insane by the 'Crazy Frog'. I would trade bad clothing trends (IslandGirlBlog) for this nasty little critter any day. The lastest trend over here is novelty ringtones for your mobile phone. There is a frog, a dragon, some chicks and some farting things - a monkey and hippo I think. Last night, the ad was on TWICE EVERY commercial break. It drove me insane. Sally didn't know what to do as I was running around the house with my hands over my ears screaming, I ended up in a corner of my bedroom, wrapped in a blanket, rocking back and forth blabbering like ......... a 'Crazy Frog'. I am slightly improved today but am scared to leave the house in case I hear the ringtone on someone's phone and have a episode in public.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

No Stocking This Morning...

and no new Bubbles this evening. Santa does not exist, the Easter Bunny is dead, and the Tooth Fairy has forsaken me. At least I have my good friends Ben & Jerry to comfort me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Will They Or Won't They?

I realise this is officially an obsession now but then my life is very small at the moment - Paramount showed the last episode of Season 4 of Trailer Park Boys tonight. The TV guide says it is on tomorrow but the announcer said she can't find details of what happens tomorrow night. Only one more sleep until I find out if Season 5 is on. I feel like I should have eaten ribs for dinner and be begging Dad to open just one small present before we go to bed. Wish me luck.

Do you think there will be a stocking in the living room for me tomorrow morning?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Boston Legal

Whaddya think? I am loving it but then I have only seen two episodes.

Election Day

Today is Election Day. I voted earlier this afternoon. It was the second time I have voted in this country and even though I am entitled to vote here it felt weird. I kept expecting someone to yell 'Oy, whadda you think you are doing?' But no one did so I just marked my ballot, put it in the box and calmly but purposefully, so as not to attract attention, walked out. The polls here are open from 7:00am to 10:00pm so we won't know the result until late.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Pray for the Boys

Tonight Paramount is showing Episode 2 of Season 4 of Trailer Park Boys. Only 7 more days until I find out if they are showing Season 5. Please join me in a little prayer;

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I wish for Season 5 in a week.
My sense of humour is at stake,
No Bubbles may be more than I can take.

Give me a break - it was the best I could do at short notice.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Habla Espanol Senor Penguin?

I realise that in a lot of ways this says more about me than the kids but I just have to get it off my chest. There is a kids game show over here called 50/50 - the kids have to do all sorts of physical stuff and answer some trivia questions (I felt really smart watching it as I knew the answers to all the questions!). One of the questions today was;

In which continent would you find Morocco, Nigeria and Zimbabwe?
a. Antarctica
b. Africa
C. Asia

The girl chose Antarctica. I would have let her off if she chose Asia as it is actually populated. But how can a 12 year old not know that Antarctica only has penguins. My 6 year old cousin knows this. I hope she was having brain fart or it was the pressure of the spotlight because it does not say much for the youth of this nation. But then kid before her thought that the Sherriff of Nottingham was the enemy of Zorro! I suppose Nottingham does sound kind Spanish???

A rant about children - man I am old.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Why Do I ....

have to learn everything the hard way? Turns out I am not 19 anymore. Gina has come for a visit and we tried to recreate our university days by drinking way too much alcohol last night. We had a great night but now I am suffering. All I can think is thank God I didn't have any vodka as I really really really do not wish to relive the dry heaves over the toilet on Centennial Drive period of my university life.

P.S. As I was thinking about what to write in this post yesterday, I was thinking of starting it off with I am feeling better. Is that ironic or is that just part of an Alanis song?