Ribbit Ribbit Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh
Of late, my life seems to consist of television, reading and Starbucks. So there is not much to report. I can recommend a good book though - The Kite Runner. It is well worth reading. Steve told me Sharon was enjoying it so I picked it up and thought it was fantastic.
Today I spent a couple of hours waiting for deliveries for Derryth and Grant at their new place. Argos deliveries is now convinced that Derryth and I are a lesbian couple as I am always there to sign for stuff but they call her when they are coming and when they get lost. We were even there together for one delivery! Today the delivery guy asked me where I was from and I said "Canada". He turned to his partner and said "See". I then said "Oh but the girl you spoke to is South African" and he said "Ooooooh."
I am being driven insane by the 'Crazy Frog'. I would trade bad clothing trends (IslandGirlBlog) for this nasty little critter any day. The lastest trend over here is novelty ringtones for your mobile phone. There is a frog, a dragon, some chicks and some farting things - a monkey and hippo I think. Last night, the ad was on TWICE EVERY commercial break. It drove me insane. Sally didn't know what to do as I was running around the house with my hands over my ears screaming, I ended up in a corner of my bedroom, wrapped in a blanket, rocking back and forth blabbering like ......... a 'Crazy Frog'. I am slightly improved today but am scared to leave the house in case I hear the ringtone on someone's phone and have a episode in public.
Today I spent a couple of hours waiting for deliveries for Derryth and Grant at their new place. Argos deliveries is now convinced that Derryth and I are a lesbian couple as I am always there to sign for stuff but they call her when they are coming and when they get lost. We were even there together for one delivery! Today the delivery guy asked me where I was from and I said "Canada". He turned to his partner and said "See". I then said "Oh but the girl you spoke to is South African" and he said "Ooooooh."
I am being driven insane by the 'Crazy Frog'. I would trade bad clothing trends (IslandGirlBlog) for this nasty little critter any day. The lastest trend over here is novelty ringtones for your mobile phone. There is a frog, a dragon, some chicks and some farting things - a monkey and hippo I think. Last night, the ad was on TWICE EVERY commercial break. It drove me insane. Sally didn't know what to do as I was running around the house with my hands over my ears screaming, I ended up in a corner of my bedroom, wrapped in a blanket, rocking back and forth blabbering like ......... a 'Crazy Frog'. I am slightly improved today but am scared to leave the house in case I hear the ringtone on someone's phone and have a episode in public.
I was surfing blogs yesterday and found a post from a guy in the UK about this very same thing. So, apparently we in Canada should be praying that this frog doesn't cross the ocean!
Angela, at 1:36 p.m.
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