Christine's Rantings

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Rant 18 - Character Flaw?

I would really like this to be a rant but I think it is actually a flaw on my part. I got amazing annoyed by an ad for Febreeze today. The voiceover guy called it Fee-Breeze. I actually yelled 'THAT IS NOT WHAT IT IS CALLED' at the TV. It really pisses me off when people pronounce things wrong. By wrong, I mean actually wrong as in 'pacific' instead of 'specific' as well as differently from me as in 'man-date-or-ee' instead of 'mandatory'. Don't even 'ax' me about 'din-ass-tea' (dynasty) and 'you-rye-nahl' (urinal).

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Classy Lady

Piece of advice for ya - never drink a glass of soda then leave a message on your boss's boss's voice mail. I think I made it worse by apologising after the burp. "Hi Peter, it's Christine, could you please **burp** oh my god I am so sorry about that um uh umm could you please call me on 9583."

UPDATE - I may have gotten away with it. Peter called me about something else before listening to the message. He said "Oh, I have a message I haven't listened to." I said "Uh huh, that is from me. You can just delete it." What I wanted to say was "Delete it, delete it right now. Do not listen to that message. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT MESSAGE."

Monday, September 11, 2006

Auntie Sal x 3

Congrats to Sal who has a new nephew. Bruno George was born this morning. Sal has now caught up with Cat but it is Derryth who is charging ahead in the nephew/niece race with 4. Angela is close on their heels with 2 and a bit but Michelle and I are well behind with only 1.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

How Sad Am I? (For Islanders Only)

I went over to Catrin's for dinner this evening and as she has Sky TV we watched E! It was some crappy celebrity blunder show called "101 Greatest Awesomest Most Fabulous Excellent Amazing Celebrity Bloopers Ever Of All Time In History: Part IV" or something like that. The show was pretty average but I got extremely excited to see that J-Roc (Jonathan Torrens)was one of the rent-a-gobs. And to top it off, Roadhouse is on, so I am getting my Jeff Healey fix. I may just break out into "Oh Canada".

Monday, September 04, 2006

Call Me San

I received an e-mail this morning addressed to Christine san. Is it sad that I think that is really cool? I have decided that everyone must now call me Christine-san. No more, Ms or Miss, just san.