Rant 18 - Character Flaw?
I would really like this to be a rant but I think it is actually a flaw on my part. I got amazing annoyed by an ad for Febreeze today. The voiceover guy called it Fee-Breeze. I actually yelled 'THAT IS NOT WHAT IT IS CALLED' at the TV. It really pisses me off when people pronounce things wrong. By wrong, I mean actually wrong as in 'pacific' instead of 'specific' as well as differently from me as in 'man-date-or-ee' instead of 'mandatory'. Don't even 'ax' me about 'din-ass-tea' (dynasty) and 'you-rye-nahl' (urinal).
Come on Christine, get with the ssschhhedule...
Pete, at 3:07 p.m.
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