Christine's Rantings

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dad's Visit

Here are a few highlights (and I have left out tons) from Dad's visit so far.

Start off with a pint on the Thames.
Edinburgh CastleA real Heilin' Coo photographed in the Heilin's.

The Isle of Muck

Ben NevisYorkshire Moors
Eden Camp WW2 Museum. I am pretty sure this is a Spitfire. I am sure John can tell me if I am correct.

York Minster

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Good Spot or Bad?

You decide. My latest celebrity spot is Jim Broadbent at Heathrow Airport. He got came through arrivals while I was waiting for Dad last Monday night.

I still think my Robert Townsend Heathrow spotting was better.

Monday, September 10, 2007

King of Pain

How was your weekend? Mine was good and bad. Bad first - I helped Sally and Sam on their allotment this weekend. I hate the place. I got bitten by ants so my legs are now covered in itchy welts. I scratched the welts and they are now all scabby and they are still itchy. I got hives all over my arms from the stinging nettles and I have a huge scratch.

Good - went to see The Police at Twickenham Stadium on Saturday. It was fantastic. I was totally blase about it. Sitting through the opening act thinking 'Hmmmm, I have been to tons of concerts.' Then all the lights went off and people started cheering and the stage lit up and Message in a Bottle started and I was smiling and screaming like an idiot. The Police rock. Plus it took me less than 20 minutes to get from my seat to sofa. Can't beat that.

Here are some pics.

Dad arrives today so I am sure there will be lots of news to share over the next two weeks.