Christine's Rantings

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Do-do-do. Da-da-da.

Is all I have to say to you! My Police ticket arrived while I was away. Yay.

Mosquitoes Bite

I am back from Florida and pretty much time adjusted. Still a little sleepy at weird times of the day but as Jillian would say - suck it up.

Florida was lovely. The wedding was beautiful and lots of fun.

  • Wedding
  • Real live wild alligators (no Dad, I didn't touch them)
  • Hand feeding flamingos
  • Dolphins
  • Manatees
  • Parasailing
  • Shopping
  • Mosquitoes
  • Smelly horrible rental car full of mysterious stains (seriously ick)
  • Leaving car headlights on - yup dead battery next morning
  • Flat tire - Thank God for Walter the lovely army man who changed it for us
  • The Pelican Man Sanctuary being closed
Here are a few pics.

Becca and Paul
Sal and I dipping our toes in the Gulf of Mexico.Sunset in Key WestGatorSal feeding flamingoesManatee eating carrots
Oh, and I didn't buy any T-Shirts in Key West.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hi Y'All

Just getting in the spirit for what I believe is my first blog update from the US of A - live (well almost live as I am pretty much just running on adrenaline now) from Key West, one of the tackiest places I have ever been in my life. It is the kind of place where more than one store has t-shirts in the window saying things like 'f*** you you f***-ing f***-er' but without the stars and one with a Harley Davidson logo and the following written on the back - 'if you can read this, the bitch fell off'. but without the punctuation. It is gay pride weekend so the place is hopping. Lots of people out and about. It is really quite fun.

Can you believe that at the age of thirty-mumble-mumble-mumble, this is my first holiday in the US. Well, sort of. If you don't count my transit through the airport in New Jersey on the way to other places, this is actually only my 4th trip to the US ever - and two of those trips were at the start and end of the same family vacation in 1985. The third was last year for work and I literally saw the office, hotel and a shopping mall!

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will bring dolphins and manatees. I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What's That Coming Over The Hill...

OK, most of you don't know the song 'Monster' by The Automatic but it definitely applies to me this week.

I spent Sunday afternoon helping Sally on her allotment and I got bitten by or into something that has caused an allergic reation. I am itchy and swollen. Yesterday morning when I got up, I looked like one of the women you see on Extreme Makeover.

P.S. Only 4 more sleeps until Florida so I better unswell quickly!