I Give Up
This morning I was sitting in my parents' living room in little old PEI listening to Mom chat with one of the neighbours and minding my own business when I heard it. The sound that seems to haunt me wherever I go. Luckily, the radio was on low and I only caught the end of it. Thankfully, this meant there was no need for me to start screaming, slap my hands over my ears, run to the radio and try to shut it off with my elbow thus making a complete arse of myself in front of the aforementioned neighbour. Have you guessed yet? Right there on CBC radio, taunting me was that god damned Crazy Frog. I didn't know what to do. I honestly thought that I had distanced myself from him. So today, I cried a little, took a deep breath and admitted that I give up. I will no longer scream. I will no longer rant. I will take it like a man, and with his blabbering laughter ringing in my ears, admit that the vile little amphibian has beaten me.
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