Ladies Who Lunch
Survived my first proper day of unemployment. Got up early and finished painting Sally's bedroom (we got most of it done over the weekend). Was planning on running some errands when Nadine called and invited me to go shopping. How could I resist an offer of shopping? Met up with Nadine and David at Sloane Square and off we went. Shopped a bit, ate lunch, shopped some more, had a couple of cocktails, shopped some more, had dinner, went for a pint. Fabulous way to spend a day but probably not a good idea for someone who is unemployed. It was fascinating to be in some of London's more expensive shops on a Monday afternoon surrounded by ladies who lunch. My jeans and sweater didn't really compare!
Must find cheaper ways to fill my days. Any suggestions?
Must find cheaper ways to fill my days. Any suggestions?
So did you get to keep your laptop? I am assuming you did because of this post...
Drinking and shopping, hmmm... The only thing I would change is the shopping part... Depending on how much you spent shopping it might be cheaper to just do the drinking... But that might not be the best thing to do when you are unemployed, either ;-)
Pete, at 12:48 p.m.
Don't you know that when you are unemployed, you are supposed to sleep until noon, watch soap operas all afternoon in your pajamas, hardly ever do any cleaning or constructive chores, and only stir off the couch to answer the door when the pizza comes?
Angela, at 1:17 p.m.
What is your email address now, by the way?
Angela, at 1:17 p.m.
I think sitting in a coffee shop, reading a good book, and jeering at all the people on their way to work would be quite enjoyable. Of course that is after your stint of sleeping till noon, watching soaps in pj....etc.
Fernegulley, at 2:34 p.m.
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