I bow to you Christine MacKinnon. To be able to sign off a period of your worklife> FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!> If we had more opprtunities on this little fart of an Island, I be soon requesting redundancy as well. I am approaching 5 years at the same work location> never thought that would happen!
I bow to you Christine MacKinnon. To be able to sign off a period of your worklife> FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!> If we had more opprtunities on this little fart of an Island, I be soon requesting redundancy as well. I am approaching 5 years at the same work location> never thought that would happen!
Fernegulley, at 2:30 p.m.
Congratulations! Anytime you get shaky, just think of all the travelling you will be doing!
Angela, at 2:25 p.m.
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