Christine's Rantings

Monday, November 08, 2004

Don't Light My Fire

Rant 10 - Forgive me, I am a little bit tired and groggy this morning. I have been kept awake all weekend. As you are already aware, Friday (5 November) is a landmark day because it is Angela's birthday. However, you may not have been aware that it is also the day Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the British Houses of Parliament in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. In order to celebrate this treason, the wacky Brits light huge bonfires and burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes. In more recent years this has expanded to setting off fireworks as well. Bonfire night as it is called should have been celebrated on Friday but as it is a weekend there were also celebrations on Saturday and Sunday and as fireworks were involved people have been setting them off in their own backyards for about 2 weeks. I like fireworks. When I lived in Canada and only saw them a couple of times a year, I loved fireworks. There is nothing better than spending a summer evening in the Historic Properties or Victoria Park watching a fireworks display. But listening to people set them off every 10 minutes is a bit of overkill. I am definitely of the opinion that you can get too much of this good thing. Bah humbug to fireworks.


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