Christine's Rantings

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Turkey Helper?

We went skating earlier this evening. They have set up an ice rink in Kew Gardens. It was a lovely setting. It was fun but the ice was not the best, very bumpy and pitty. If I left my mouth open, my teeth chattered while I glided across the ice! It was funny to watch people who had never been on ice before skating like 3 year olds. One poor fella fell and hit his head on the ice and we heard it echo. My head hurt just from watching.

Tomorrow we are having American Thanksgiving Dinner (delayed due to my trip to Copenhagen). I have a 13lb turkey thawing in the bathtub as I write. However, the guests are dropping like flies so there will probably only be 3 or 4 of us to eat it. Suggestions for use of leftovers are welcome.


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