Christine's Rantings

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

No Garden Makes Me A Safe Girl

Motivation is very hard to come by sometimes is it not? I am severely lacking at the moment. I am finding it difficult to start on my job search and to get back to the gym. I know to is very important to get to it but it that doesn't seem to matter much at the moment. Oh well, I am sure it will come.

On to the saga of my television watching. Remember my rant before Christmas about the special Christmas show - So You Think You Are Safe - telling you how the tree was going to burn your house down while the turkey killed you? Apparently it is a series. So everyone with a backyard beware. It is a death trap. Grass (lawnmower and strimmer accidents), bugs (bites, diseases), animals (dogs are a prime source of worms which can cause cysts) and you don't even want to know about the barbeque. Apparently every time you have one you are 'playing russian roulette'. No lie! Obviously I am going to live longer than most of you as I do not have one of these death traps. Good Luck.


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