Christine's Rantings

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Eyes, My Eyes, Ooooohh It Burns

We’re having a heat wave. I mean stinking hot as hell heat wave and I need it to be over.

• Is it because my new flat gets the sun all day and is like a desert torture chamber? No (but it is).
• Is it because there is not enough water on the planet to keep my hydrated at the moment? No (but there isn’t).
• Is it because I almost passed out on the tube yesterday from the BO? No (but I did).
• Is it because I am a walking zombie because it is so hot I cannot sleep? No (but I can’t).

No, no, no, no. It is because I looked out of my kitchen window the other day and saw my elderly neighbour walking around his flat in his underwear. My kitchen window looks down on his and when I was getting one of my zillion glasses of water, I happened to look down and see him. Yes, I realise that he was walking around his own flat minding his own business but it has to stop. If I ever do fall asleep, I will have nightmares.


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