Christine's Rantings

Monday, September 13, 2004

It Is Official

Sally and I are insane. Guess what we did on Saturday afternoon. Yep, you guessed it - we went to Ikea. It is frightening how easily one forgets and repeats traumatic events. Luckily it was a better trip than the last but it has done nothing to diminish my hate/love (yes hate comes first) relationship with the place and man/womankind. Our house is almost now completely furnished with Ikea stuff - you would think this would be a daily reminder of past events but no I manage to completely block it out. Is this a form of PTSD - Post Traumatic Shopping Disorder? (Do you like the use of the acronym?).

On a nicer and funnier note, the comedy club was a really great time. We ended up sitting right up front so some of us got picked on. Luckily, Sal, Dom, Simon and I were spared. Funnily enough the guys tried to me but when they said I was Canadian, all the comedians either said we like Canadians, told complementary Canadian jokes or ignored it because he was Canadian too. The comedians did not do the same for the Aussies. Matt was accused of being special needs, Chris was a long haired, Wella Balsam model wearing a table cloth with no chance of ever having sex and poor little Josh was to be cleaned, oiled and delivered to the MC's room for after the show! Best of all - probably only Madde will understand this but it is so true - Lex was dubbed Uncle Shrek.


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