Christine's Rantings

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This Is Not A Test, I Repeat, This Is Not A Test

Think you need to travel to an exotic location to see how animals act in the wild? Well, you don’t – all you need to do is pull the fire alarm at work. This morning the fire alarm went off and I am sure that if the building was really on fire we all would have burned to death. The stages of fire alarm reaction went as follows;
 Hear alarm - ears perk up and everyone freezes (like startled deer)
 What is going on - people start to stand up at their desks and quickly move their heads back and forth (like meerkats)
 Oh my god, it is not a test - everyone rushes for the fire exit (like the Serengeti migration – can’t compare it to a stampede of one type of animal)
 Thank God it is not raining - everyone shuffles to the assembly point and hangs about waiting to hear what is happening (like animals chilling at the watering hole)
 Break is over - we are given the ok so we shuffle up the fire stairs back to our desks (kinda like penguins as there are so many of us in a cramped space)
 Return to desk and resume work


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