Now That I Am A Bit More Lucid
I will tell you a bit more about my trip to Montreal.
Food firsts;
1. I ate buffalo. I had game dish with medallions of buffalo, caribou and deer in various sauces. It was delicious.
2. I had my first Beaver Tail - chocolate and banana flavour. Thank God you can't get them over here.
3. Andree's mother made us the most fantastic Quebecois dessert of sweet dumplings simmered in maple syrup. It was delicious.
Entertainment firsts;
1. Cirque du Soleil. We saw the the new show - Corteo. It was excellent. My mind usually wanders during shows and performances but I was totally focused on this one. Very entertaining and apparently very different from anything they have ever done before. I highly recommend it.
2. MacDonald family reunion. Angela was in Montreal for her cousin's wedding. On the Friday, we went to their hotel as it was her Dad's birthday. We were treated to a large group of loud and happy MacDonald's. It was great. It did take three days for my hearing to return to normal after the squealling, though.
3. Loved the Penguins at the Biodome - I could have watched them forever. Liane almost got hit by a bird in the Tropical Dome. We are not sure what kind it was as it went by so fast but it was in a hurry to get where it was going and was willing to go through her to do it!
Embarrassing Moments;
1. I felt so proud of myself ordering and paying for a drink in French at the Second Cup. I was standing there feeling all happy until the girl behind the counter looked and me and said "Blahhh blah de blah blah blaaaah". I then very sheepishly said "En Anglais s'il vous plait." and she said "Would you like whipped cream on that?" I said no and didn't try to use French again.
2. Tripping over every cobble stone in old Montreal - I didn't go down though. And in sympathy, Liane very kindly tripped as well.
Bonus Moment;
Seeing Jen, Angela's sister. She surprised everyone by turning up unexpectedly for the wedding.
Other than that we shopped and shopped and shopped and walked and walked and walked then walked some more.
Food firsts;
1. I ate buffalo. I had game dish with medallions of buffalo, caribou and deer in various sauces. It was delicious.
2. I had my first Beaver Tail - chocolate and banana flavour. Thank God you can't get them over here.
3. Andree's mother made us the most fantastic Quebecois dessert of sweet dumplings simmered in maple syrup. It was delicious.
Entertainment firsts;
1. Cirque du Soleil. We saw the the new show - Corteo. It was excellent. My mind usually wanders during shows and performances but I was totally focused on this one. Very entertaining and apparently very different from anything they have ever done before. I highly recommend it.
2. MacDonald family reunion. Angela was in Montreal for her cousin's wedding. On the Friday, we went to their hotel as it was her Dad's birthday. We were treated to a large group of loud and happy MacDonald's. It was great. It did take three days for my hearing to return to normal after the squealling, though.
3. Loved the Penguins at the Biodome - I could have watched them forever. Liane almost got hit by a bird in the Tropical Dome. We are not sure what kind it was as it went by so fast but it was in a hurry to get where it was going and was willing to go through her to do it!
Embarrassing Moments;
1. I felt so proud of myself ordering and paying for a drink in French at the Second Cup. I was standing there feeling all happy until the girl behind the counter looked and me and said "Blahhh blah de blah blah blaaaah". I then very sheepishly said "En Anglais s'il vous plait." and she said "Would you like whipped cream on that?" I said no and didn't try to use French again.
2. Tripping over every cobble stone in old Montreal - I didn't go down though. And in sympathy, Liane very kindly tripped as well.
Bonus Moment;
Seeing Jen, Angela's sister. She surprised everyone by turning up unexpectedly for the wedding.
Other than that we shopped and shopped and shopped and walked and walked and walked then walked some more.
mmmmmmmmm... Buffalo
Pete, at 12:58 p.m.
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