Christine's Rantings

Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's A Miracle

I know I will get no sympathy for this but I had to get up early this morning. I, Christine MacKinnon, mistress of the not going to bed before midnight, went to bed before 10pm last night and got up at 5:30 AM. Seriously, it is a true miracle. This is bigger than Lazarus. I mean, he got to sleep for 3 days and I am pretty sure that he didn't 'arise' before noon.

Here it is, not even 10:00am and I have showered, brushed my teeth, dressed, walked to the station, purchased a ticket, taken 2 trains to work while reading over 100 pages of an hiliariously badly written book and had an almost 2 hour meeting. This is like a whole weeks worth of activity and I did it before 10:00am. Not exactly the Marines but not really to my liking.

I am definitely going home early today.


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