Me Too!
Well, I have decided to succomb to the pressure and jump on the Blog-wagon. I guess we really are all sheep in the end! How is that for mixing metaphors? I plan to use this as a way to satisfy everyone who complains that I never mail them (Angela especially) and to keep up with all my dispersed friends. How do I manage to chase people to the four corners of the earth? Do PEI, NB, Vancouver, Ontario, Copenhagen, Canberra, Johannesburg and Pietermaritzburg actually qualify as the four corners of the earth? Pretty Close - I just need to send someone to Siberia and I am sorted. Any volunteers?
Here we go - Rant 1. Went to Ikea this weekend and spent a fortune. Love Ikea, hate Ikea. Great stuff, throbbing headache. You would think a trip to buy a few shelves and a sofa or two would be a fine way to spend Sunday afternoon. Well apparently it is not a good idea to do this on the last Sunday of the sale at the only Ikea store in London. Can't think why? Sal and I only spent 4 hours there. Picked out everything we 'needed' (only had to backtrack against traffic 5 times), filled a shopping cart, went into the bowels of the warehouse, picked up two trolleys - loaded bookshelves into the cart (fake wood should not weigh so much), put 2 sofas on trolleys only to discover that one sofa needs a cover that is kept upstairs in the display area! Won't even bother to describe the trip to get the cover (suffice to say a machete would have come in handy). Pay - after battle with person who pushed in line ahead of us. Sit down with head between knees and breathe slowly and deeply after signing credit card receipt. Push 2 trolleys and shopping cart out side (yeah that was easy). Desert Sal to go get car. Come back to a lady 'saving' a loading bay for her friend! She actually stood in the middle of it while I was backing in my car. Funnily enough she moved when the car didn't stop. Load most of the stuff. Then go back in to arrange delivery home delivery of the sofas. Ahhhhhhhhh, time for a drink? No - drive home, unload the car and put the crap together. What a way to spend a Sunday.
Here we go - Rant 1. Went to Ikea this weekend and spent a fortune. Love Ikea, hate Ikea. Great stuff, throbbing headache. You would think a trip to buy a few shelves and a sofa or two would be a fine way to spend Sunday afternoon. Well apparently it is not a good idea to do this on the last Sunday of the sale at the only Ikea store in London. Can't think why? Sal and I only spent 4 hours there. Picked out everything we 'needed' (only had to backtrack against traffic 5 times), filled a shopping cart, went into the bowels of the warehouse, picked up two trolleys - loaded bookshelves into the cart (fake wood should not weigh so much), put 2 sofas on trolleys only to discover that one sofa needs a cover that is kept upstairs in the display area! Won't even bother to describe the trip to get the cover (suffice to say a machete would have come in handy). Pay - after battle with person who pushed in line ahead of us. Sit down with head between knees and breathe slowly and deeply after signing credit card receipt. Push 2 trolleys and shopping cart out side (yeah that was easy). Desert Sal to go get car. Come back to a lady 'saving' a loading bay for her friend! She actually stood in the middle of it while I was backing in my car. Funnily enough she moved when the car didn't stop. Load most of the stuff. Then go back in to arrange delivery home delivery of the sofas. Ahhhhhhhhh, time for a drink? No - drive home, unload the car and put the crap together. What a way to spend a Sunday.
Welcome to the the blog-life Christine... Soon you will be a big techie nerd like te rest of us ;-)
Pete, at 2:59 p.m.
Macca - great concept! Can you please email me when you next update so I can check - Thanks Scott....
Anonymous, at 10:02 a.m.
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